The Objective Was Workflow Efficiency

The solution was “Do It Yourself.” In 2011, Director of Clinical and Specialty Services Jonathan Van Lare concluded there had to be a better way to solve the Workflow Efficiency problems Pharmacy Advantage experienced on a daily basis. “Granted, we’d advanced beyond the old paper-based system, but we were still operating in multiple Access and 

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“Eliminating Aggravation Was Half The Battle.”

How the DromosPTM team simplified the prior authorization and billing process. In 2011, when Pharmacy Advantage offered Brad Hall the opportunity to co-develop a software system for streamlining its operation at every level, he had only a basic knowledge of the work specialty pharmacies do every day — and virtually no experience in dealing with 

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Pharmacy Advantage Announces Partnership with Pack Health.

Partnership provides patients with personal health coaches Pharmacy Advantage and Pack Health, based in Birmingham, AL, announced today a unique partnership that will connect DromosPTM software to Pack Health’s digital health coaching program. This collaboration will provide patients a continuum of care and self-help tools needed to improve their current condition. “Linking our DromosPTM software 

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