
DromosPTM is not a one-size solution, and can be configured for any level of experienced health system, specialty pharmacy, or retail pharmacy. Modules can be activated or deactivated at any time to suit the specific pharmacy’s operational and patient needs.

DromosPTM enhances pharmacy operations & clinical services…
Workflow Enhancement Flexible workflow software guiding pharmacy operators toward best practices while eliminating duplicative tasks
Patient Therapy Management (PTM) State-of-the-art technology to streamline and enhance clinical activities
Data Warehousing Robust and accessible reporting from internal and integrated databases
…and generates powerful insights in turn
Treatment Outcomes Meticulously reported patient outcomes – permanently stored and easily accessible by clinicians and third parties
Quality Metrics Detailed insights into business performance and operational efficiency
Marriage of Health Data (Under Development) Unification of financial and clinical outcome data with full integration into electronic medical record (EMR) systems